Did You Know? 10 Surprising Facts About Cannabis That Will Blow Your Mind!
Cannabis is a fascinating plant with a rich and complex history that spans thousands of years. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or just curious about the culture, there’s always something new to learn.
Did you know that cannabis use dates back over 2,500 years? Ancient cultures used it for medicine, textiles, and even rituals. It’s also worth noting that Queen Victoria herself was prescribed cannabis to alleviate menstrual cramps, highlighting its historical medicinal significance.
In early America, hemp was so vital that some colonies legally required farmers to grow it for making rope, sails, and cloth. Fast-forward to 1971, and cannabis made history again when a group of students used ARPANET (an early version of the internet) to make what is believed to be one of the first e-commerce transactions, a weed purchase.
Today, cannabis remains a major economic force, becoming the largest cash crop in the U.S., surpassing traditional crops like corn and soybeans in several states. However, the word “marijuana” has a controversial history.
In the 1930s, it was popularized to stigmatize Mexican immigrants and cast a negative light on the plant. Despite this, the science behind cannabis continues to evolve, with more than 100 cannabinoids like THC and CBD each offering unique effects.
You might even be surprised to learn that cannabis and beer share a family connection, as both plants come from the Cannabaceae family.
beer hops
In modern times, cannabis has influenced everything from culinary arts to booming legal markets. Cannabis-themed fine dining has become a trendy experience in places where it’s legal, blending the best of food and cannabis culture.
And with the global cannabis market expected to surpass $45 billion by 2025, this industry shows no signs of slowing down. These facts show just how vast and fascinating the world of cannabis truly is—whether you’re a long-time fan or a curious newcomer.